Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How to make Laundry Detergent

     Have you ever thought to yourself that buying laundry detergent is getting too expensive? Or are you an Eco- friendly person that always is always trying to find a new way to help the environment. Well then I advice you to make your own laundry detergent. It is a very simple process and you only need a few basic ingredients.  Not only is making your own detergent Eco-friendly it is cost efficient. 

     There are two options in terms of blending your own personal detergent: liquid or powdered detergent. Liquid can be a little more versatile, since you may (carefully) add essential oils or fragrance oils , which allows it  to have a pleasant aroma, yet powder now is very simple to create, as you will not need to use a stove. Whichever approach you go, you'll want to accumulate the following elements: your favorite (not a heavily-perfumed) soap, borax and also washing soda. Washing soda is within the same category a Baking soda. It's been processed differently; it really is much more caustic/alkaline, with a ph of eleven. Even though it won't give off dangerous fumes, you do have to use gloves when preparing the Laundry detergent. All the ingredients you will need can be found at a local supermarket.

Liquid Detergent

1 quart of boiling water
1 cup of graded bar soap (any type of soap)
1/2 cup of Borax (20 Mule Team)
1 cup Washing Soda (Arm & Hammer)
3 gallons of water
Essential or fragrance oil (optional)

  • Add the graded soap to the boiling water, reduce the heat and stir it until the soap is fully dissolved.
  • Pour the soap water into a large, clean 5 gallon bucket and add the borax and washing soda. Stir well until all is dissolved.
  • Add the 2 gallons of water. Stir the solution until well mixed.
  • Now you can add 5-7 drops of whichever Essential or fragrance oil you would like to use.
(Maybe your husband loves citrus? You can wash his clothes in detergent personalized to him? I love washing my towels and sheets in lavender scented detergent! You can give detergent as gifts, and tailor the fragrance to suit the recipient)

  • Cover Bucket with lid. Use ¼ cup per load of laundry.  Stir soap well before each use.
(Containers: if you have the space, it’s absolutely acceptable to leave the detergent in the bucket next to your washing machine and just pull out enough for 1 load at a time. You can also use the following: laundry detergent bottles from when you were still paying WAY too much at the store, empty bleach containers (well rinsed), milk jugs, vinegar jugs, potato salad, bulk shampoo bottles, and basically any plastic container that you may have)

Powdered Detergent

2 cups finely grated soap
1 cup washing soda
1 cup borax

Add all the ingredients together
Place in an airtight container
Use 2 tablespoons of powder per load of laundry 

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