Sunday, April 15, 2012

Keep Yourself Healthy

The most valuable, priceless thing that a lot of preparers might over look is health. Without it, even the most highly skilled survivalist will falter. Most preparers will have enough food, water, and defenses to get them trough a disaster, but during a crisis, your health is most important. Disease will be widespread and doctors will be scarce.

When it comes to health preps, one of the most important things to have is cod liver oil. Fermented cod live oil is even better. Cod liver oil is full of vitamin A and D. These vitamins are critical when it comes to repairing and building strong bones, teeth, and skin, Vitamin D has also been proven to prevent most cancers. Omega 3's, which will be in short supply during an emergency are also in cod liver oil. Taking this supplement will give the body with vitamins and fats that might be gained during a disaster. You can store it without refrigeration for up to 2 years.

Many people stock pile antibiotics, but this could prove dangerous. Antibiotics kill of your good bacteria and suppress you immune system ability to fight illness. Using antibiotics can lead to antibiotic resistant strains. In most cases antibiotics are too strong and are not necessary to fight most infections. The best natural antibiotic, which is known to kill over 600 bacteria and fungi, is colloidal silver. It is very inexpensive to buy. You can even buy a colloidal silver maker. Two other cheap natural antibiotics are oregano oil and golden seal.

Another essential item in health prep is vitamin C. It neutralizes all toxins and boosts the immune system. It will be especially useful if you have a lot of canned items in your stockpile, because Vitamin C clears out the BPA in you system, that can accumulate from eating a lot of canned foods. The best type of vitamin C is sodium ascorbate. The sodium neutralizes the vitamin C acidity. This kind is better than the grocery store brands, because they have unwanted additives. Vitamin C works best in preventive care. Since you cannot overdose on it, the amount you take wont be an issue. Larger doses produce greater benefits.

Women have inherently more health ailments to deal with and during a disaster they will be increasingly more difficult to handle. Every woman should buy a set of at home urine strips, to test for a urinary tract infection. They just as effective as the test you take a doctor's office. You can also stock up on two remedies, if you are prone to UTI's, D-Manno and Ursi. They are both natural products that will flush out most bladder infections.

Two other issues that a woman can have are yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis. Boric acid inside a vegetable capsule can cure both of the ailments. You can buy an inexpensive bottle of boric acid. Fill a size 00 capsule with the boric. Insert one capsule vaginally every day for ten to fourteen days. Both the BV and yeast should clear up.

Another problem that women have is cramps, which can become very inconvenient. A simple cure for cramps is Blackstrap Molasses. The product can cure the most stubborn cramps. It is much more inexpensive that over-the-counter medications. You can store this item for several years.

Two other great items to have in your stockpile are baking soda and apple cider vinegar. Baking soda works very well in fighting heartburn, indigestion, and gas. Mix I tablespoon of baking soda with a glass of water and it will clear up the issue. Baking soda can also be used to brush you teeth, wash you hair and to clean just about anything. Another well know remedy is apple cider vinegar. It can successfully treat arthritis pain, Candida, and overall aches, indigestion, etc. It also increases energy when fighting colds, flu, and to aid with allergies. Apple cider vinegar can also be used as a hair wash and conditioner. You can store both of these remedies for several years. They will come in very handy when a crisis occurs, even if they are not being used for health reasons.

In an emergency you will need to think clearly and move quick and this will be extremely difficult if your body is not healthy. Some of these items mentioned in this article you can use to boost you immune system. Remember the healthier your body the better chance you will have of surviving a catastrophe.

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